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My blog
Are they gone? Your New Year resolutions?!
On average, only 8% of the population succeed in completely sticking to their resolutions until the end of the year. Second Friday in...
Case study 1:Helen - Thank You!
New city.. cold morning & first day of a New Year.Dublin,Temperature 4*C.I’m dressed for winter and waiting at the railway station to go...
Spilling the beans .. on heterosexual relationships
Why are divorces actually shooting through the roof? During this pandemic,divorce rates have gone up more than ever before for any time...
Vitamin U - You do You.
We love to support and be there when others need us. It makes us feel good and it feeds our self worth,correct? We're there for our...
Wheel of fortune!
Did you know that your wheel of fortune is within you? Heard of chakras? Chakra (in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points...
Relationships - to stay or move on?
How much should I tolerate and how bad should it get before I go? The simple answer to that question is - tolerate nothing,especially if...
Neuroplasticity - The two sides!
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer...
Awetism : spiritual perspective
Autism is a lifelong condition. Autism is sometimes referred to as a spectrum, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This post is not for...
Maslow's hierarchy of needs - is there a need for immortality?!
Probably one of the most influential and widely regarded theories with regards to human relations is known as Maslow's hierarchy of...
Suicide prevention - Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth?
*Warning signs when Depressive symptoms are setting in (Watch out for these in your near & dear ones) 1.They are much more quieter than...
The Shadow Self
The 'shadow' is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having. It is at...
Another boring blog on mind-body connection (not)..
Most of us already know and accept the mind-body connection with regard to illnesses.If you want to know how any ailment may be...
Is RTT expensive?
So many people don’t have the money or the time to attend long-term therapy, and for some people, there is still a stigma attached to...
Science is sexy!
This blog is dedicated to the person who spent 40 odd & awkward minutes beating around the bush before mentioning the word ‘orgasm’!...
Online therapy in the time of COVID
Digital therapy can be just as effective as in-person treatment, according to several studies done especially in connection to...
Tantrums! Mini-masterclass
What are tantrums? What does a meltdown look and feel like? Why does it happen? How can we understand it better? If you want some answers...
Why RTT after psychiatry?
This is my story. I originally qualified in medicine from one of the most prestigious medical schools in Asia. Then I trained in OBGYN...
Being present
Being present minded is the key to staying healthy and happy. It helps you fight anxiety, cuts down on your worrying and rumination, and...
Intimacy & Sex
Intimacy & issues regarding sex comes up so often when I see clients - even if it is not their primary problem, there seems to be a...
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